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What If You Never Clean Your Teeth When Using Invisalign?

Invisalign is an alternative to braces that use clear molded trays rather than metal brackets, wires, and elastics. Invisalign in West Palm Beach, Florida offers patients a slightly less noticeable way to straighten their teeth; however, they also put a greater burden on maintenance and appropriate usage with the patient.

The Significance Of Proper Care & Usage

If patients do not follow the summarized instructions for how long to wear aligners and how to care for their teeth properly while using aligners, severe consequences can occur. While using clear aligner trays might sound easy — you take them out and again put them in — to get the best outcomes and keep teeth healthy and free of issues, patients have to pay attention to more than that.

Why Proper Teeth Cleaning is so Important

When not wearing corrective appliances like braces or aligners, patients are urged to brush and floss their teeth at least twice a day and after every meal when possible. If a patient is using aligners, this suggestion goes up and is even more essential. To maintain teeth free of cavities while wearing aligners, patients should brush and floss every time they eat. Aligners closely shield both the front and back of teeth, potentially entrapping food particles and sugars between the aligners and the teeth. It creates an atmosphere where plaque can flourish. Tooth decay and enamel breakdown can happen if the wearers do not clean their teeth when using Invisalign.

Tips for Maintaining Clean Teeth While using Aligners

Wearers of Invisalign in West Palm Beach, Florida, will have to get used to removing them each time they eat and cleaning their teeth before replacing them. Here are a few tips patients can use to maintain clean and healthy teeth while wearing Invisalign clear aligners:

  • Keep a small-size toothbrush that easily fits in a purse or pocket
  • Keep flossers and picks in a place like a purse, car, briefcase, or drawer at work
  • Rinse the Invisalign with water before putting them back in the mouth
  • Rinse your mouth as much as possible with water

Patients must understand that they do not have to use toothpaste every time they clean their teeth after meals. The most important thing is to clear any food particles and sugars present in teeth after eating or drinking something.

Invisalign In West Palm Beach, Florida

Invisalign is an incredible option for restoring crooked teeth or other orthodontic issues, but caring for teeth during the process may be a little different than usual. To avoid possible issues like dental caries, tooth decay, and gum disease, it is vital for patients to clean their teeth entirely before replacing the clear aligners. Cleaning after eating and drinking is necessary and may need a little extra measure on the patient’s part: this is a small price to pay for a straight, beautiful smile.

Get In Touch

Invisalign treatment is the best for those people who don’t want to let other people know about it, as it is a clear aligner & can also provide you with straight & lovely teeth. Call us at 561-363-0324 today to book your appointment at our dental office in West Palm Beach, Florida.